Wednesday, March 31, 2010

moly on the way..

tuesday I just sent my Molly to Danica,
Sorry I 'm a terrible case of procastination...
I finish things quickly but then I get stuck in something easy like bringing to the post...
the italian post sytem didn't help either... they got this very unconfortable opening hours.. exactly on the time when I have to be working... and to post something it takes at least 2 hours to wait on the line. (I sent with the certificate post I wanted to be sure it arrive)
anyway Moly is on the way...
I'm now Molyless waiting for the one from Ramires to arrive...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ready to go...

Ok, I finally finished... It took more than I expected since I had made a mistake and drew my portrait in the pages 3 and 4.. so I had to find a way to fill the space.. so in page 1 is the space to write the name of the members of this exchange.... the second I wrote the header.. not very happy with the result...But I think everybody can add a few words there.. considere it a space for creativity... I draw my portrait with my city in the background...
So I 'm ready to send my Moleskine to...Danica!!!
So and now I get confronted with a few questions, where I find Danicas address... and second my pictures.... what is better to add some photos in the Moleskine or put in Flickr online?


Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Header

Our new header shows a detail of the art of each one here, I added a detail of the picture sent by Dana to compose a new label for us. I love this sign of peace and love and I think it express the Moly_X spirit .
Thanks Dana for the inspiration, thanks Tim for invite me to participate in that wonderful talented group. :-)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ramires Book...

...or "Almost serious Self portrait thinking ahead with tied neck" :-) I'll send this to Omar as son as possible. Sorry for my late, I did received my book only last Sunday. Thank you friends.
(You can see my photos here: )

Monday, March 1, 2010

My drawing in Suzette's is Finally finished!

I hope no one wants to know how long I've had this journal! Too long!
Can anyone tell me who I'm supposed to send it on to now? And the address, too? I've been out of the loop but am ready to get it going again.