Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Banner & Status Updates?

So, I made a banner based on the MolyX_Portraits1 group's...and as you can see it's not quite finished. We need more drawings! So, who's got something ready to go? Can everyone please leave a comment on this post just to let us know what you're working on and where the books are? Thanks.

(As far as my progress...I sent Shante's book on to Amrita last week. I've stalled on my own book and will probably wait til I get another one and send them off together.)


sha said...

Love the new banner, it totally rocks. I am working on Linda's moly and hoping to finish it this week and mail it off to Richard. I will email him first.

Tiffany said...

I am hoping to send my moly off to Suzette this week! :)

Unknown said...

Looks great. Don't have a moly right now, but it looks like I'll have one soon!

Yelnoc said...

I have Suzette's Moly. Haven't started it yet but have a good idea of what I'm going to do in it.

LK Jeffers said...

I love the new banner! Thanks so much for doing that! I've sent my moly off. I don't have any moly's right now, but have been in email contact and will probably get one fairly soon.

Marty Harris said...

Anything new? Wonderful artists here. Keep those books moving. Everyone, everyone, everyone will enjoy the outcome. Communicate with each other.No one truly cares how long an entry will take as long as you all let each other know where the books are and what state they are in.

wrr said...

Love the new banner. Will mail mine to Pepparminta next week. Someone please send me a moly!