Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Heidi's Moly - finally finished

I'd done Heidi's portait ages ago and sketched out what I wanted for mine a while back as well, and after Omar's call for updates I broke out the pens today. This is the result:

In her flickrsteam, Heidi has some photos of her in front of this giant mirrorball thing that I think looks awesome. My drawing does it no justice but that's what I was going for.

I'm not really pleased with the gray tones (I should have done an ink wash instead of using cheap Pitt pens) but oh well. It's done and headed to Ramires tomorrow.


omar said...

thanks Tim for the update ! so I will start thinking about Heidis.. because after Ramires it wil be my turn!

Ramires said...

Tim, it's Great, very nice idea an draw, I had some problems to send my book to Omar, but now it's going to Italy. We have a nice group here and I'm looking forward to work in your books.

Marty Harris said...

Nice!! Like the bean in Chicago. Do you have one of the mirrored blobs in your part of the world?

Tim Clary said...

Sadly, no giant mirrored things anywhere near me. Thankfully I could visit this one in moly-land.

heiDi said...

this is great!
i should upload more pic on my flickr!!!
i am still waitin for next moly.. :(

Ramires said...

I,m waiting too :-)

Ramires said...

Omar did you received my book?

Tim Clary said...

This book hasn't gotten to you yet, Ramires?!?!? Should I start worrying yet? It's been at least two weeks since I sent it off. I'll keep my fingers crossed just in case.