Thursday, July 22, 2010

Who has what?

It's been a while since we've heard an update. So, I made this little diagram to see if we can figure out where the books are. If you see anything wrong on here please let me know (and if anyone wants to do a fancy-pants electronic kind, go for it!). If you have a book please check in and let everyone know where how you are coming in the comments. Thanks everyone!


Dana said...

I never got Robert's. I just completed my own.

Ramires said...

I did my own, Dana's and Heidi's and sent to Omar. I Have Tim's book in my studio now.

Ramires said...

Nice work Tim, I love to see the picture about the group development.

Yelnoc said...

This is Robert. I have nothing.

omar said...

I still waiting for the 2 Mollys . they should arrive this week.Thanks for posting the update tim!

Unknown said...

Hi guys! Greetings from Tarragona, Spain!
My informations are right, I´ve done Ramires´s, Omar´s and mine book.
I´m coming home next week, so I guess I won´t need to skip my turn.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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heiDi said...

sorry for late reply!
i still have Suzette's moly :(

ph said...

I don't have anybody's moly, and nobody seems to have mine. Where is it??

Unknown said...

And who has mine then?:(

Tim Clary said...

It sounds like Suzette might not have sent out the ones she was working on. Maybe Robert's and Danica's?

pepparmynta, I tired to track yours down (I think one of the original members who dropped out must still have it) but was unsuccessful. I think if you're still interested in participating I would suggest starting a new book. Sorry :(

omar said...

I got 2 questions:
1.- Robert to whom u sent Suzettes moly? to pepparmynta?you were concerned in your last post that you didn´t know to whom to send it. when did u sent it?
2.- Suzette : did u got my Moly? how is work going?