It's been 6 months since I've seen one of these overview images and I thought it might be a good time to see where we are at. Unfortunately, we’ve only seen a couple new entries since then. On the other hand Heidi’s book is finished. Yay! 2 down, 6 to go.
As for me, I sent my book on to Nicole yesterday and I have Danica’s book with me. I am hoping to work in it after Christmas and send it south to Claudio in early January. How is everyone else doing? Omar, any progress on Nicole’s book? Did Omar’s book make it to Nicole?
Have a wonderful holiday season and let’s all work hard to get these books home in 2012!
Nicole did confirm to me that Omar's book had arrived. I sent it out last month on the 18th.
Good, I'm waiting for books of Danica's and Omar and thus I have worked in all the books. My book is here and I consider it finished. Thanks a lot Tim.
I've drawn in every book except Nicole's.
I still haven't heard from Heidi concerning her address so I can send her book back to her. If she left a return address on the books she last sent maybe one of you could email it to me. I think she may be in Portland?
I thought I had a scanned image of Claudio's book to send so it could be included in the "our books so far" image, but I can't find it on my computer.
Claudio, did you get your book?
hi, I am almost finished with Nicoles book. I did the drawing already but I have to add some color I guess it would be finish this week.
Hi Guys, I kind of finished Nicole's Moly. I will let two more days to "breath" just to be shure it is finished and don't need to add anything more. So I will send it then to Danica. Meanwhile, Danica could you send me your address again. That would made a nice Xmas package!
Yes Robert, Thank you so much again.
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