Sunday, November 8, 2009

Heidi's portraits

I got 2 books in the mail yesterday...both with gorgeous drawings by Heidi that I don't think we've seen before. The first is her self-portrait opening her book and the second is from Robert's. Beautiful, Heidi!

On the other hand I'm wondering what we should do with this exchange. We're now down to 7 participants from the original 15 and of those 7 I'm not really sure who's actively involved. If everyone who's still here could please check in and talk about what we'd like to do from here I'd appreciate it. Maybe we could reopen this group to some new blood over on the moly_x flickr page? Other suggestions welcome.


heiDi said...

we only have 7 ppl? ah.....

Unknown said...

I'm still here, but I don't have a book =(

ph said...

I agree, we should invite more people.