Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Might be Moving - Skip me until I know my Address!

My design company http://www.facebook.com/danazyne has really taken off this past month. I'm super swamped and got a huge job so I might be moving to Tennessee as early as next week.

Please hold off on sending me any more books until I know for certain my change of address. I still have Heidi's book, and again I apologize on the time but I am working all day every day...



omar said...

goog luck with the moving!

Tim Clary said...

Congrats on your success, Dana! (And let me know if ever need to farm out any of that design work. ;)

Good luck with the move.

Ramires said...

Congrats and good Luck :-))
Do you have some book with you???

heiDi said...

good luck :)

omar said...

so, what happend? did you move?

Dana said...

Moving Sunday. Sorry life is crazy right now...

Dana said...
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