Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hi guys,
I moving again. this time to Canada, Saint John's, New Foundland. I will visit my mother but I will like also to travel and visit Toronto , Montreal and Quebec, and the east coast of the States: Washington, Boston and New York, and of course Lincoln, Nebrasca. At least that is my wish. I will be painting and I will love to use that time to do the last books. I just have to do entries in 2 books, Nicole's book that is in his way to Brasil, I guess since Ramires works very fast that will my next one, and Danicas book. Who is working in Danica's book now?


Yelnoc said...

Lincoln Nebraska?? What are you doing there?

Ramires said...

Hi Omar, nice to know about you my friend.
I wish you a nice trip to North America.
Keep me informed about your address because tim should already have received the book from Nicole to me.
Cheers, good luck

omar said...

I will visit some friends,