Looking back through the old posts I see that you have had both mine and Danica’s molies since at least March. That is over 6 months! This situation is no longer acceptable. Please, please just mail them on. I understand that you are a student and are probably slammed with work...there is no shame in leaving the group...but hanging onto other people’s work for this long is just no good.
Please respond to this post and we can figure out exactly where these books need to go.
Thank you Tim, these are exactly my words!
I got both books from Heidi today!
It feels so good to see my book again after so long in the wilds...hard to believe this little book has traveled so far...Brazil, UAE, Slovakia, Colorado...wow!
OH yeahhh!! Nice to know.
Was a plesure to me work on it. I had sweet and funny times.
make some pictures! I would like to see them!
Omar, I’ve been busy with several other projects but I will get some pictures up as soon as I can.
To see what I've been up to come find me on Google+: gplus.to/timclary
I’m really loving G+...I‘m even working live on camera with the Hangouts feature...it’s soooo much fun!
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