Thursday, September 30, 2010

Done with Omar's Moly

I finished Omar's Moly tonight. For some reason my computer won't read the data card the picture is on so I can't upload it tonight. I'll try again from my work computer tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

comments and post notifications

hi everyone, just a question about our communication problems.
is everyone getting a email when somebody post or comment a post? (this are two diferent settings)
I ask that because I noticed 4 months ago that my email by the comments notification list was wrong. Since I was new by blogging, didn´t know I should get a notification also by comments so I just noticed the problem later and corrected.
Maybe others could have had the same problem or the mail in the list is one that you don´t frequently check and prefer to change it.
there was also one email address from somebody I didn't know (in the comment list) Melissa? maybe somebody that drop from the group before?
I don´t know everybodys mail (some were easy to guess) since I ussually comunicate by flickr.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hi people

Dear friends, I'm a little worried about our group. 
I'm not asking to everyone has the same enthusiasm for the beautiful new things  have appeared here, but we made a commitment to accept the rules of the project.  

I would like to reinforce this by asking that always make posts telling everyone what is happening with the books.
1) You just got someone's book, post here!
 2) You just mailed someone's book out, post here! 
3) You have kept the book longer than a month but plan to work on it as soon as possible and mail it out, post heret!
4) You no longer have time and need to leave the group but have someone's book?, Contact the next artist, get their address, mail it out, post here! 
5) You were sick, on vacation, work stressing you out but want to continue with the group but have not been able to work on books but you have them, post here!

Also I will repeat one part of the first post made on this Blog about the rules of Moly_X with which we all agree:
The concept:

2. Each artist gets 1 month to make a sketchbook entry.

3. Please communicate regularly via email. Let each person know that you have received/sent the book. The goal is to have a dialogue. Any comments and questions are welcome.

Unfortunately we had a lot of this subject here and it was already foreshadow the end of other groups.Please feel free to disagree, call me boring, but write something for us to know that we are all "alive" in the project.

What do you think?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tim's Moly

my contribution to Tim'MolyI decided to do my portrait as a tattoo in Tim'arm. In the original Photo he is showing a roadrash he got in his arm after a bike accident. Later I though that I will add some colour to the background and shirt to link better the portrait with the other drawings. This was my first time with acrilics and I am glad there were just flat colour surfaces....
Tim's Moly

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Molly arrived

I just arrived to Abu Dhabi and Tim`s Molly was waiting for me on my desk. Probably it arrived almost the same day I left. I already got an idea so I will star working as soon as possible.

Hey Robert, did you get my Molly?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Robert's Moly

Hey gang! Just wanted to update you...

I have started Roberts Moly (and finished his portrait) but because of the way I am doing mine, I have decided to surprise you all instead of posting a progress shot! I just have to figure out how to transition Suzette's background somehow...


Friday, September 10, 2010

Heidi and Suzette's Book

Hi Heidi how are you?
According to your last post, you have received the Suzette's book on June 4.When you want to send the book to Dana? The group is moving at a good pace and soon will move some books out there. Is it okay to you? I am worried because your last comment was on the drawing I made in your book.I would like to remind everyone that when entering the project we agreed to make our entries within the period of a month.  
Problems and delays are normal in life, but it is important to warn the group when they appear.
Please advise if  we can do something to help

Heidi's Moly




Thursday, September 9, 2010

chart 9 september

so people as you see in the chart two molys are on the way to Robert and one should be arriving any moment to my mailbox, (is already in the emirates according to the post tracking)
@Pepparmynta, we need to know if you are still going to participate in the group.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sending Molys

Today I'm sending Dana's moly to Robert :) Still working on heidi's..

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sorry, guys.

I think it might be better for the group right now if I finish the books I have and drop out. I've had a lot on my plate the past several weeks, and I feel I'll just slow everyone down. Should I go ahead and send the moleskines I have left to Robert?

Monday, September 6, 2010

chart 7september

so people here is the new chart: since Dana 's got Robert's Moly, I assumed that my Moly is on the way to Robert (Suzette please confirm that) you can see on the chart that most Molys are accumulating in one area while other people will have to wait some time till they can work again on a Moly. i guess we have to avoid to send a Moly to somebody who already has two, and instead send them to someone that is free, if everybody agreed. Skiping the row could create some confusion so I asked everybody to participate more in the discussion in the blog. For example it seems that Tim will be free, maybe Suzette could send one Moly to him when she finished. Heidi, how is the work in the Moly going? Robert have you received my Moly?

Roberts book Arrived today!

Robert's Moly arrived to me today from Suzette! Time for me to brainstorm a bit and come up with my idea!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

short animated movie

Hi guys!
I just wanted to show you a short animation I did with my boyfriend during the weekend. It was a gift for our friend, who is having some love-issues recently. It's really simple, but I'm very happy that we were able to make something like that :D It was our first animation and we plan to work on it little more. Take it as fun, please :)


Friday, September 3, 2010

Tim,s book ready to go

 I sent today to Omar. I sent in the quickest possible with the promise to arrive within a week. The last time I did so, but it took almost a month. Pray brothers :-)