so people here is the new chart: since Dana 's got Robert's Moly, I assumed that my Moly is on the way to Robert (Suzette please confirm that) you can see on the chart that most Molys are accumulating in one area while other people will have to wait some time till they can work again on a Moly. i guess we have to avoid to send a Moly to somebody who already has two, and instead send them to someone that is free, if everybody agreed. Skiping the row could create some confusion so I asked everybody to participate more in the discussion in the blog. For example it seems that Tim will be free, maybe Suzette could send one Moly to him when she finished. Heidi, how is the work in the Moly going? Robert have you received my Moly?
I will confirm that I have sent out Robert and Omar's books, finally! I am working on Danica's and Ramires' books at the moment. should I be sending them to someone other than robert?
hi, Suzette, I think one Moly should go to Heidi and one to Tim, but they have to agree. and they send you their addresses. Robert will become already one from you.
we have to avoid that people become more than one Moly. That can stress a lot, as I imagine you have experienced. but at the same time I don´t see a problem if somebody is busy and tell the group not to be send Molys for month or two.
According to the chart pepparmynta / Anna Norman
not yet made his own book. Is this correct?
Anna, if this is correct I think it's important you make your book soon to get it to run. Some books have already received six entries and yours will be far behind for the rest of the group.
Anna's original book was lost before we re-booted the group.
So, Anna, please let us know if you'd like to participate with a new book. Otherwise if we don't hear from you I think we can take you off the list. Please let us know what you would like to do.
Also, I'd rather not get too crazy with skipping over people. I think we should stick to the order unless someone requests to be skipped or is not responding to blog posts or email.
With that said, Robert, Heidi, and Anna, could you please check in and let everyone know what you are up to? It would be much appreciated.
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