Thursday, September 9, 2010

chart 9 september

so people as you see in the chart two molys are on the way to Robert and one should be arriving any moment to my mailbox, (is already in the emirates according to the post tracking)
@Pepparmynta, we need to know if you are still going to participate in the group.


Tim Clary said...

Omar, thanks for these but I think we can put the charts to rest for a while. Hopefully, we are all on the same page at this point and moving forward. Personally, when I scroll through the post I'd like to see all the amazing art and not a series of spreadsheets. No offense, my friend. :)

omar said...

ok, lets wait for more art!

Ramires said...

Is very good to have this panoramic view of group work.
Omar, I am very curious to see what you will do in the book of Timothy
Yesterday I sent messages to Peppermynta asking about her interest in doing a new book and continue in the group.
My suggestion is to wait to answer until some book arrives to Robert ... By the way, Robert how are you? Soon you'll get some books.