Tuesday, August 24, 2010

About other portraits...

Dear friends, I am doing a large painting that will have many human figures in different situations of light and atmosphere, and some that are in the foreground are painted life-size, and for that I am doing some preliminary studies to determine the best pick color and some expressions. As it has to do with portraits, I'm sharing with you here. In my blog (in Portuguese) You can see the color palette used in this study.
Um abraço :-))


omar said...

great Ramires! it is always a delight to see your work. I will buy next week some acrilics..I want to try them!

Ramires said...

Thanks Omar, I have worked much time to know the acrylic paint and I'm always are learning something. This ink is a big challenge. If I can help you with anything feel free to ask.

Tim Clary said...

Really nice Ramires, you have amazing command of the acrylics!

Marty Harris said...


Ramires said...

Thanks Marty

Ramires said...

Thanks Tim, I'm trying to control the "beast". The air humidity in Sao Paulo is very low and this makes the paint dry faster than normal. This requires a little more speed in some situations.