Saturday, August 21, 2010

other Moly blogs

Hi guys! I was curious and I was watching the other Moleskines Blogs. I found that some of us also participate in some other moleskines exchange that I did´t know about...with realy great drawings. it would be nice if everybody could write on the comment in wich Moleskine exchange he is currently participating with the link of the blog, so that everybody can take a look a them.
I would love to participate in other exchange but before I settle down it would be difficult.
cheers to all!


Tim Clary said...

I'm in Moly X 73, a collage exchange that's had a lot of difficulty getting off the ground. We've recently decided to make it a 1 to 1 exchange, so hopefully it will go smoother.

I've been in 2 other exchanges that never really got going and I'd like to do an exchange with the large Japanese fold moly that came out recently. Just haven't found the right group of artists yet (Anyone interested?).

Unknown said...

We are with Dana in Moly X 78 ( We actually haven't started yet, but I hope we will soon :)

Ramires said...

Hi Omar, I'm in
Also in a new gorup
And I was in but I quit because we had a lot of problems with lost or held books and a very slow pace.

omar said...

Tim, I read in the molesknes discussions that there is a group that plan an exchange with the large japan Moleskine ... Danica I check your new group looks interesting!
Ramires! moly 55! you are working with all my favorite illustrators (you included) I certanly will follow that group!

Tim Clary said...

Wow, Moly X 55 is definitely some kind of super-group! Will look forward to seeing your work with that talented group. And Moly X 34 is one of the shining lights of this whole project! The work there is incredible! I hope you guys can all finish the books in that one.

Dana said...

Yes, Danica and I are in molyX78 and we use the large Japanese fold moleskines.

And Tim, I would LOVE to be in another.

Let me know. Thanks! :)

omar said...

tim you are right MolyX34 is great! I hope you can finish!

I guess a problem with al this blogs is that we are not connect to what is happening in other blogs.. the moly blog became a closed club.. some people may look in others but never leave a message...I feel a little shy to leave a comment... as I m an intruder..

Tim Clary said...

Omar, I don't think you should feel like an intruder...I comment on things I really like all the time. (More often on the moly_x flickr postings, but sometimes on the blogs as well) I think anything we can do to encourage artists to finish these incredible projects is a good thing!

And Dana, I'll let you know...I'm not ready to commit to another group (especially a giant-sized one!) right now.

Tim Clary said...

One other thing that doesn't really deserve its own post: Over on my blog I'm running a little contest for a hand-made bookmark. Check it out if you like.

Marty Harris said...

Please check out Omar's discussion "feedback: what makes a group work?"

omar said...

Tim I check your blog. I did´nt know u have one. you seem very familiar with blog design. u even have a visitor counter ! I don´t know how to add such things! In Moly_x portrait4 they have a share buttom under every post.. could we add something like that here? do u know how to do it?

Tim Clary said...

Hey Omar, I found a little javascript code for a share button. It's not exactly like the one on portraits4, but it works. Check it out!

Ramires said...

Very cool

omar said...

cooool! great tim! by the way I just have a great idea for your Moly... I did some sketching and I like d a lot! I hope next week I have an address where Ramires could send it...
By the way can I use the portrait u did from me in JkPP as icon?

Tim Clary said...

I'd be honored Omar.