Monday, August 23, 2010

Our books so far...


Dana said...

WOW! Nice to see all of the books :)

Tim Clary said...

Thanks to Ramires for inspiring this image (he did it first for a few of the groups he is in).

In making this image, I noticed an error in the progress chart that Omar made (and my earlier one). Both Heidi and Pepparmynta have contributed to Robert's moly.

Ramires said...

Thank YOU my friend, we have a beautiful group and collective art production here

omar said...

hey! it is great! thanks Tim... Now I m going to use my nice "share button" to show our work to my friends..I also corrected the chart .. I love this group is so full of life here... you inspire me a lot. I m learning a lot from you guys!

heiDi said...

ah man...I just cant wait to get my moly back!

Yelnoc said...

This is really great! Thanks for posting this!

The Speckled Sink said...

That is some ambitious documentation. Fantastic!