Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Claudio's moly


Ramires said...

Wow, very nice draw, Thank you so much.
Are you sure about leaving the group?
I see you have a strong draw style and works very well and fast when you wants.
Think about. You don't need leave us :-)

Unknown said...

haha! so tempting, but I think i need to let the group go this time. I think maybe when the kids are old enough for school and things aren't so crazy (we're in the middle of buying our first home) that I will definitely want to try again, though! Thank you for your kind words, Claudio and for pushing me to finish these last two books.

omar said...

really nice drawings!

Tim Clary said...

I just got this book from Suzette today and it looks great! Can't wait to get started.

Ramires said...

Nice to know my book is safe and sound in your hands... I'm looking forward to see what you'll do :-))