Alright Gang I must say I indeed struggled with this one a lot. I browsed through Robert's photos got a good idea right away of drawing him holding an open moly with my portrait in it and sketched his portrait in pencil and it looked perfect! I was thrilled... but as I started adding details with pen and marker I made the mistake of 1. adding too much detail and 2. getting a little sloppy.
I drew in his beard and realized I hated it. It wasn't the soft scruffy look he had in his photo at all, so I had to paint over it (hence why his face looks goofy in the photo, I promise it looks a little better in person!). After I goofed that up bad I had to paint his hands too which was where I got sloppy originally and messed my sketch up! Ahhh anyhow then I was clueless as to how to incorporate that paint background into my background. I tried to match colors the best I could and draw some kind of design, I think it came out okay but I wasn't completely satisfied.
Anyhow, Robert's Moly is done. It almost made me sad because I saw when I saved these files that the last portrait I drew, my own, was dated FEBRUARY. It's been WAY too long, no wonder I got rusty!
By the way, Tim's entry is amazing. I loved it and Robert's self portrait especially in this book! There are so many great works and Suzette's combination of their kids and each other was too cute as well. Where am I sending this book now? I know I got it out of rotation.
Please advise, Thanks!
Nice job Dana. I think your concept is very clever and I admire the way you pushed through your difficulties with this one. Hopefully, it won't be 7 months before you see your next one (Hint, Hint, Heidi).
Since, I've already worked in this one, you should send it on to Ramires. I'll email you his address through flickr.
Thanks again for be so patient with our group!
Thanks Tim! I have been so busy working that I forgot to keep up on the sketching. After working in this book I see it is clearly a must, although I really do wish I had photographed my original pencil sketch, it looked much closer to the image and what I was hoping for.
As long as I get this out by the 9th or 10th I've kept my one month deadline!
Very nice, Dana! :) I think the idea of Robert holding your moy is great :) The next moly is on its way to you, so u'll get more space to practise :)
Wonderful! I know what you mean about getting rusty. Through the summer we run another business, plus the kids being out of school, plus my work being busier... I felt rusty on Omar's moly but it was also cool because it helped me remember that I really do like to draw!
I've "lost" two other moly's in other groups. One group had a guy keep a couple journals and then quit communicating all together, Another group of mine had one of the journals just disappeared all together (the one where I drew John Lennon)! It's nice to see that this one is done and still in a member's hands! I'm better at giving away my art now, but I don't like when it's just taken.
I updated the overview images from a couple days ago with this new addition.
And Robert I understand the frustration of losing a moly. Before I discovered Moly_X I contributed to a book for the 1001journals project ( It had successfully passed through 10 participants before being highjacked by somebody. She never reurned it even after repeated phone calls! Bigtime bummer.
Great work Dana!
Robert, your Moly seems to be the first one to be finished in the group.Just 3 more entrances! It would be nice to get more pictures from you.
Dana: How many pages are left?
May I have this beautiful book for the MCBA exhibit in January (through March). I hope you won't mind a three month detour. We'll get some nice documentation. Add it to your resumé and get ready for the next exhibition.
Hey Marty, when do you need books by? This one is supposed to head to Ramires' next but mailing back-and-forth from Brazil takes awhile. Guess I'm wondering if we should send it to him for one more entry or take it out of rotation at this point. Thoughts?
So... where am I sending this? Sorry I just want to make sure it is going to Brazil now...
it takes 10 days there and ten 10 days back and w e still have 2 months in between to go, I guess i Ramires could finished before the end of the year. however we have to decide it fast.
I have Ramires' address but have not yet sent it... please advise Tim & Ramires.
I say go ahead and send it. We'll try to put a couple of the other molies in the show and if this one makes it back in time we can put this one in too.
Ok Guys, it is OK for me! Let's GO!!!
Dana do you have my postal address?
Dana, What was expected to arrive in Brazil? I still have not received anything. Do you have a track number?
Tim said it normally took a month to arrive. I am not sure I have a number...
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