Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kat's introduction

Hey everyone! I am Katina and I live in Ontario, Canada. I have a background in arts through education: BA in Fine Arts (major in Graphic Design and two minors - creative writing and visual art).

Right now I currently work as a full-time graphic designer and I love my job! I look forward to going to it almost everyday. Not everyone can say that they love their job! I also have an etsy shop, where I am selling my art and I am looking forward to getting enough pieces together to have another art show. Oh and also I do freelance graphic design work on the side.

I am also going to be adding a cd with a play list to portray my life up to the time of the portrait I will be producing... Kind of like a timeline. & music is a huge part of my life, so I thought I would include it.

I am looking forward to seeing everyones pieces! Cheers!

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