Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ready, Set, GO!

I just got confirmation from the last person that will be joining our group, so we are all set to go! I updated the rotation on the right. Please make sure you get the mailing address of the person you will be sending to. As Amy commented in the last post, I think we should aim for mailing our molys out by the end of October. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask. Also, I'd encourage people to post intros so we can all get to know one another a little, and keep us updated on your progress as you get ready to send and/or receive another's moly.



Amy said...

Excellent, let's rock and roll!

Also, be reminded that some people are using Japanese books rather than large sketchbooks. The portrait exchanges are still very new and it seems a final book type hasn't been finalised.
So for people who want to use Japanese books, does that mean we only fill 2 panels rather than the 3 in the regular moly exchanges? If we fill in 3 panels, there won't be room in the book for everyone.

Marty Harris said...

Doesn't really matter with the portrait exchange. I'm using the standard large size moly. Others are using the Japanese fold. Check out moly_x_portrait1.

Have fun, Amy.

miss k said...

So how many panels am I supposed to fill out? I am confused. I am going to be buying the standard large?

Tiffany said...

I would say that with whichever notebook you decide to use (the large or the japanese fold) figure out how many pages each person will be able to use in order to fill your book--if you indeed want it filled. As Marty stated in his last post, the japanese fold works well if each person uses two pages--with fifteen people, that will fill it up. If you are using the large moleskin, is it three pages each for fifteen people? I would just say figure out what works for you and let everyone know what you choose. It need not be the same for everyone, as long as you make your intentions known. :)

miss k said...

Thanks, I guess I could have figured that out for myself, but I haven't yet bought my book (which I will be doing tomorrow)... Thanks!! Tiffany!!

Marty Harris said...

I used the large moly for a change. I figure that when moly_x_portrait1 is done that I will use the same book for another portrait group. The large moly has 100 pages (49+ spreads).

Unknown said...

Can't we just keep sending the moly around if it doesn't fill up using two panels at a time on the first rotation?